Tuesday, July 18, 2000

Krissy Update: She's home! I'm so glad to see her. My mother drove in the yard and I ran downstairs to meet her in the driveway. Krissy looked sick, but her tail was wagging and she let out low, happy moans as we fussed over her. She still has a hard time walking and steps are really something she can't do anymore. She headed right to her "special spot", under my mother's computer desk and settled down for a nap. Penny was so excited to see her, she nearly went beserk in the sunroom as we were bringing Krissy in, wiggling and squealing with delight that her "big sister" was home.

Penny and I played "tag" outside for an hour, trying to tire her out so that she didn't seem so restless at night. Now she's snoring on my nice clean sheets. : )

I don't think I can write anymore. I can't seem to get my thoughts down lately.

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